Pranav Mistry’s “The thrilling potential of SixthSense technology” is a revolutionary technology that is going to change this world to a real digital sixth-sense world.
About Pranav Mistry’s SixthSense technology

At TED India Mysore (India), Pranav Mistry demos several tools that help the physical world interact with the world of data(digital world) – including a deep look at his SixthSense device and a new, paradigm-shifting paper “laptop.” In an onstage Q&A, Pranav Mistry says he’ll open-source the software behind SixthSense, to open its possibilities to all on next month itself. If you are interested in technology that is unbelievable, really you will be a fan of Pranav. This is one of the most viewed video in TED and is my most favourite video. Watch this, you never blame me for recommending this video. Feel free to comment about Pranav Mistry’s idea of sixth sense technology.
Watch SixthSense technology Video on Youtube
I highly recommend you to watch the demo of this young tech master.
Official website of Pranav:
Download Pranav Mistry’s Sixth Sense Technology Video
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Pranav Mistry is really a mystery.
he is really great. I would like to meet pranav.
Even I like to meet Pranav. Cool, very informative and an inspiring video about technology. Thanks brother.
thanksss pratishhh. nice talented person pranav. wonderful technological video. keep posting more.
Hai, i’m watching the Pranav sixth sense video it’s amazing invention for the globe and thank you and keep it up
pranav mistry is a greate personility of new inventation technology.
really amazing thing, no one can’t do like this expect Mr. Pranav. hat’s off to you, keep searching for the things which makes our work more easier, may god bless your for future invention. all the best.
only u can do that amazing things.ur my idol. ur one face in crowd.
Hi pranav ,Your invention is amazing. keep going on…
It is just amazing. It is beyond the scope of words. I can’t imagine a human having that brain. He is fabulous. I can say it as supernatural.
great man , you deserve to be where you are. keep on the great work!!!!
It’s really amazing N wonderful tecnological things…
you can do everything…We proud that you are INDIAN…All the best
gr8 Things….I would like to meet Sir….
really superb Mr.Pranav. I can’t describe about your greatness.I like u so much.
nice man you are just talented person you are god gifted.
Pranav is a really mystery…….but one thing that it is not availabe to buy this…….
The device is just like a person with us……
well done
Hi pranav i gone for my company 3G training at that time i listen and saw your video of 6th sense really i shocked and i want to meet you for because of new software for mobile to usb stick
Awesome video man..You are my role model Pranav..keep going..
I was amazed to see it ,thank you for giving this
hi pranav sir really you are great that someone from india making something for us really I and my friends are your fans
hi mr. pranav sir really you r great, you are talented person thank you brother
Great work by a Great man with Great thoughts……….
Hope it will come into existence as early as possible……
I am a mechanical engineer here at csu northridge
and I came across your video..
I had a similar view of your idea and I’m chock full of ideas
I have another idea that possibly could be based on your invention’
and what I’m talking about is revolutionary
perhaps maybe one day we could sit down and talk…
very good