Some information and images of the official currency of Cuba is given in this page. Cuban Peso (CUP) is the official currency of Cuba. One Cuban Peso is equal to the value of 100 centavos (cents). Notes are available in the denominations 1, 3, 5, 10, 50, 100 pesos and coins are available in the denominations 1, 5, 20 centavos.
About Official currency of Cuba – Cuban Peso and Cuban Peso Convertible
Some years back, US Dollars ($) were widely accepted in Cuba, but since November 2004, US Dollars are no longer accepted. You can still exchange US Dollar and Cuban Peso, but for a charge of 10% commission. The national bank of Cuba has introduced the Cuban Peso Convertible (CUC) which is almost having the value of US Dollar in substitution of foreign currencies. Money should be exchanged only through bureaux or banks to prevent scams that confusing the Cuban Peso (CUP) and Cuban Peso Convertible (CUC).
Image of Cuban Peso and Centavos

Image of Cuban Convertible Pesos (CUC)

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