BSEB results 2010 has been published by around 3pm on 22nd May 2010, announced by Bihar School Examination Board, Patna. Majority of the schools in Bihar (a state in India) are affiliated with the BSEB (Bihar School Examination Board), and it conducts the annual exams for 10th and other intermediate classes. BSEB generally conducts annual secondary school exams in February or March on the basis of course or syllabus as prescribed by the Bihar state Government.
Bihar Board Matric Examination Result 2017
If you are looking for 2017 examination results, please visit new article, Bihar Board 10th Exam Result 2017.
Bihar Board Matric Examination Result 2010
You can check exam result online here, by visiting any one of the official links given below..

Most of the 10th standard students of BSEB are still waiting to know their results since the websites are down due to excessive connections to it. The Bihar board exam results can also be obtained directly on your mobile phone via SMS , follow the instructions below to get the results on you mobile.
Just SMS : ResultBIH10ROLLCODE + ROLLNO to 56263, if you have any doubt in this, contact your mobile customer care.
You can also get your BSEB results just by dialing 52345 from Idea, 56263 from Reliance and 55500 from Aircel only from Bihar.
For Bihar Intermediate exam results visit: Bihar Board Intermediate 12th Class Exam Result 2010
please give me result of bihar intermidiate exam my roll no =1051 &roll code =6419
Hello Rahul Kumar,
I’m sorry to say that your roll no does not exist. Please double check your roll no and roll code and do a comment again. Thanks!
phone kare aur result turant jane 9431640598,9570887356,9471278168
My 10th result 2010-2011 pls send you pdf
Roll code 83035
Roll no 0234
Shankar Kumar
When inter results will come?
My Roll No-10245 & Roll Code-4142 Pls reply on my mail adderess
Please send my intermediate result E-mail id & cell Phone
Mobile No—09915171860
Roll code—-2110
Roll No——-10267 Thanks……………………………………
mobile no-8802425194
code- 1408
pls give me this result i m not getting this pls help me
Secondary School Examination Result 2010
Roll Code : 21073 (this may code be of school code)
Roll No. : 51
yaa one thing more the above mentioned roll code & roll no. is not of mine its of my sister pls help me..
Inter ART RESULT 2010
Pappu pass ho gaya
8101 1103
Painal high school (patna,Bihar)
please send me results of 10th class2010 roll code-12038 ,roll no-0171
SIR , when will my results come?
roll no 0057
roll code 71004
E mail
Amarjeet kumar singh roll no-10157 roll cod-8203 examination result 2011 class 12th
Roll no.-520 Roll code-74015
Please give 10th result 2011 roll code 13006 roll no 0103
Maitric bihar board Roll coad:55043 Roll no:195
Hi.. I am
roll code-71217
roll number-146
Please give 10th result 2011 role code- 25037 roll number- 281
Piease give me 10th result 2010,role code – 11003,roll number-0543
roll cod 71112
roll no 0221
i want to see my result roll code 62021 roll n.187
2011 matric result
2010 ka result
mera 10th ka result chahiy plz mera roll cod-25020 & roll no–363
roll code-26025
roll no-0210
2010 ka result
i want my 10 th certificate nd provisional
On which date your exam was conducted ?
Sir Mera roll code 56001/roll no.0068 h / passing year 2010 /Bihar board se h
Plzz check karke bta dijiye
hello we want mark sheets of bihar borad exm 10th
year 2010
roll no 0006
rollcode 23021
We want mark sheet of Bihar bord exam 10th year 2010
We went mark sheet of bseb exam 10th year 2010
Roll no-0041
Roll code73096
Alok kumar
We went mark sheet of beeb exam 10th year 2010 R
Roll no – 0175
Roll no – 21024
समस्या क्या है सर युपी वालों के लिये साइट खुलता है जितना भी पुराना हो,हम 2010 मे मैट्रिक् का परीक्षा सेकंड डिवीजन से पास किये हैं,नेट पर क्यूँ नही दिखा रहा
What is the problem sir, the site opens for UP people, no matter how old it is, we have passed matriculation exam in 2010 with second division, why is it not shown on the net?
Can we download 12th intermediate science marksheet
Rajeev Ranjan kumar bihar board matric 2010
Result 2nd div
Rool coad-72126
Rool no-0055
Name-Manish kumar ram
Father’s name -Ram Awatar Ram
10th ka result kyu nhi dikha raha h
Roll code. 73022
Roll no. 0172
Passing year. 2010
We want marksheet of bsebexam 12th year 2010
Roll no. 10252
Roll code 5329
sir i want to download mark sheet 2010.
please help sir
Sir, please my provide 2010 mark sheet. please help me sir. Sir my details are given below.
Roll code 7133
Roll no. 0019
Registration no. 71133- 25837-10
10th marksheet please sir
Roll no. 0260
Roll code.53027
Season. 2010
ROLL Code= 83089
ROLL NO =1626
Result check the result and let me know sir
Roll code 62083 roll no 0230
ROLL NO-0652