Here is the 40 best tips for Search Engine Optimization SEO. You may know that Search Engine Optimization or SEO is actually the optimization of a website for search engines or spiders to crawl the pages of our website easily and more efficiently. This will help to index more of our website pages in search engines and also to get top place in search results for particular keywords that users use to search in search engines. In this post I’ll explain everything about search engine optimization or seo.
First of all you need a website. For creating a website you may need to read our post about create a website.
There are many seo tricks to increase your website visitors. I have given 40 best tips or tricks that you must do for better Search Engine Optimization or SEO.
- select a .com domain related to the contents of your website
- concentrate in making articles or stuffs related to your website name
- make a good global description and keywords related to your website contents
- hyperlink articles/pages each other wisely
- repeat the keywords that you used in the page three or four times in the article/content of that page [10% of your article must be rich in related keywords]
- use big fonts for contents/articles, but if you want to make it appear smaller, adjust it in the template/css file of your website
- use bold letters for important keywords
- underline words or sentences that are important and must be read by the user
- use H1 tags for main title of your article
- use H2 tags for sub title fo your article
- write articles or contents for an average of 100words
- Bigger the article size, more chance to get listed top in Google search
- More exclusive contents with exclusive words, more chance to get listed top in Google Search
- make meta title, meta description, meta keywords for every page and must be related to your content
- create a Sitemap [better to create sitemap in format www.yourwebsite.com/sitemap.xml or www.yourwebsite.com/sitemap.xml.gz]
- submit your website along with sitemap to all major search engines especially google, yahoo and msn
- create a perfect robots.txt file and upload it to the root of your website folder
- robots.txt should be accessible in this address format www.yourwebsite.com/robots.txt , you can see my website’s robots.txt file here >> https://www.freezonal.com/robots.txt
- follow the guidelines specified in google webmasters tools
- do not allow your website having many 404:not found errors, it will adversely effect the page rank and indexing of your website
- do not engaged in viral marketing programs
- Your website must not contain virus and other malwares
- join in twitter and get maximum number of follower
- reply to others tweets
- place Follow us on Twitter widgets in your website
- join in facebook and create a fan page with the address of your website name[www.facebook.com/yourwebsite] get maximum number of fans for your website page
- create facebook fans widgets and place in your website
- participate in other facebook discussions
- write on walls of your friends and communities/groups pages
- get maximum number of friends in facebook
- join in maximum number of forums especially forums related to your website and having high page ranks and add your website address in signatures and in profile
- do comments on blogs related to your contents. Don’t forget to fill the website field in comments
- place recommend to friends applications in your website
- place email to friends applications in your website
- place social bookmarking widgets in your website
- place a widget to bookmark your page in their browser
- Submit your feed to Adobe feed at feeds.adobe.com/SubmitFeed.cfm?init=true [Update: Adobe feed services are no more available]
- Use Feedburner by Google as your default feed service. [Update: Feedburner has stopped their feed services.]
- participate in webmaster forums of google, bing etc
- keep friendly relationship with other blogger/webmasters.
Do your best, pray well and keep an eye on your website always, Google, the god of webmasters won’t disappoint you ! All the best !
The above given seo tricks are the results of my long term web experiment and are better than paid seo tricks by seo masters. A search engine optimization of your website will cost ranging from 100-10000$. So no one will give the whole information about seo for free to you like I did. Therefore I kindly request you to please respect my work. Do not copy this post anywhere in internet. But you can use social bookmarking and sharing this contents for your future use and easiness. Recommend this post about seo to your friends, if you like my hard work. Thank you for reading my seo article!
Update: Most of the old useful feed services like Feedburner by Google, adobe feeds, etc were stopped their service. Our website was having millions of subscribers on different feed services which was a great disappointment as it was easy to deliver articles to millions of users free of cost. Many feed services were given profile page for show casing feeds. Our feedbuner URL was https://feeds.feedburner.com/FreeZonal and mail verification form url was https://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=FreeZonal which was easy for us to use.
Wow awesome list of items for SEO. Thanks I am going to put them into use. I have been trying to learn SEO and really not that good at it. Sometimes I just want to type a post and not worry about it, but I know it is important to get search engines to notice you and I have to say there is nothing more exciting than to see comments on my blog. It means that people are reading and enjoying it. At least thats what I hope.
Thanks for the list
Jim – jimyjack.com
Jim, people might be reading it, but how can you say that they are enjoying it?
Thanks Jim Hardin for your comment. It’s true that Search Engines have to notice this post and I hope my post will be listed in Search Engines soon.
It’s not true that Search Engines have to notice this post, but instead others blogger have to notice your post. there are many other ways rather than search engine marketing to get traffic. make utilize all of them.
Most of the blogger are getting their majority of traffic from search engines like google, so we can’t ignore them.
Where iti result 2010 January
It was the best article I have read so far about SEO. Thank you very much!